Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016. President Trump

Last night and this morning, after hearing that our new President of the United States of America is Donald Trump, all I saw were negative posts on Facebook. Posts about what to say to their children that a hateful man is now our President! Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, use this as a teaching lesson:

  • Teach them that they won't always get what they want (especially the non Trump supporters).
  • Teach them to love instead of hate. If your first words out of your mouth about our new President is that "he is a hateful, horrible person", remember that your children are listening. Instead, say something about how the people chose or in 4 years he may not be President. Make your hatred for him into a positive somewhere. There has to be at least 1 good thing you can come up with to tell them. Go back to that age old saying "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"
  • Teach them about the election process. 
  • Teach them respect by showing them you can respect someone you don't like or agree with. They will need that lesson in the future. There will be that boss that makes them work more than they are paid for or that neighbor who is a jerk or that aggressive driver that will flip them off for going speed limit. 
  • Show them goodness. Even if the world is falling apart, be there for them. Be a great role model for your children. If you see something you don't agree with, explain to your children why you think it isn't right. 
Don't just tell or explain things to your child, show them. If you don't want the world to be a hateful place when your child grows up, make it so by showing them you don't hate. If every mother/father shows their child a better world, their children will make the world a better place. Good things can be achieved by the smallest acts: That mighty elm tree started out as a tiny seed.

So, let me take this moment now to congratulate our new President. 
President Trump, I hope you do more good than bad in the next 4 years. In my eyes, you have a clean slate starting out. I want to believe you can "Make America Great" again, please don't disappoint. Good luck over the next 4 years! 

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