Friday, August 24, 2018

Lindsey and Her Puppet Pals show

The other day, I brought my nieces and nephew (ages 9, 6 and 4) to Salisbury beach to see Lindsey and Her Puppet Pals puppet show.

When I saw the event on facebook, I was skeptical because I was sure the kids (especially the 4 year old boy) wouldn't sit through a puppet show. 

I was expecting someone to have hand puppets and be behind a "stage" like most shows we have gone to. Oh no, I was pleasantly surprised when Lindsey pulled out a FULL SIZE puppet. The 1st puppet she had out was a moose, and this guy was as big as she was!

We had so much fun at Lindsey's show!. The show was amazing! Lindsey kept the kids' attention and they were laughing the whole hour!

I highly recommend Lindsey to everyone! She did an amazing job and the show was super cute. She even added some "life lessons" in her skit (sharing, not interrupting etc) that is a good learning tool for the children. I have attached the links to her facebook page and her website in case anyone is interested in checking her out.

We are very thankful that Salisbury Beach arranged for Lindsey to come do a free show for the kids. I hope they have her back for years to come!

Check out a few of the photos I took during the show and a video I took of the kids singing with the puppet.

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