Prices: $12 for adults, $7.50 for 6-12 year olds, $10 for seniors, Free for under 5. (some libraries have FREE passes!)
My sister-in-law brought her 3 kids (8,5, and 3) plus another 8 year old. This was the perfect outing! Educational, hiking, and fun all wrapped up together!
The kids all loved the Kid's Gemstone Dig. Here the kids dug in the dirt to find pretty rocks, which they were allowed to take 3 home each. Any other artifacts had to be left on the bench. We spent a good chunk of our visit digging in the dirt.

After the kids finished their digging for gemstones, we started a little hike to the different sites:

We got to view the ruins and explore. There was an informational sheet that explained each site.
We found a rock that said Share A Smile, each of the kids HAD to share a smile! :)

After hiking around the place, going off on different paths that followed the sun sets during times of the year, we ended with the Sun dial.
All in all, we had a very fun visit. We will defiantly be visiting again! We highly recommend this place for any age, but keep in mind it is a lot of walking. We should have used the back pack carrier for the 3 year old, next time we will make sure we bring it!