Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fairy Tales Lice Prevention Rosemary Repel conditioning spray

Right around back to school time, I decided to try Fairy Tales lice prevention spray. I was skeptical at first, but man am I glad I bought it! I use this product every morning before heading to work! I also put it in my 7 year old niece's hair every morning!

Over Thanksgiving break, I went away with my other brother, his wife, 3 kids and my other niece. I cuddle with the kids, and my niece slept in a bed with her cousin. Tuesday after the long weekend, my sister-in-law called to tell us her oldest had lice! Turns out, all 5 of them had to some extent. She told me to check my hair and my other niece that went up to visit with me. Thankfully, neither one of us had it! Why? Because we used the lice prevention spray!

Fairy Tales lice prevention spray is a leave in conditioner that detangle and protect the hair. Lice do not like the rosemary, citronella, and tea tree oil scents.
This product is gluten, soy, dairy and nut-free!

I highly recommend this product to any adult whose children go to school, day care or camp. I also recommend to any adult who is near children!

The Children's Orchard in Rowley, Ma carries these for sale!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Imagine That! Lawrence, Ma

Yesterday, during NH school vacation week with my 3 nieces and nephew, we went to Imagine That!

Let's start with, I have 3 nieces (age 8, 7.5, and almost 5) and a nephew (age 2.5). This was my first time going to Imagine That, along with the 7.5 year old girl. My sister in law and other 3 kids have gone once before.

This place was a fun day time activity. We went got a pass from our local library, which got 2 adults and 3 kids in FREE, so we only had to pay for 1 child! However, price wise, this wouldn't have been too expensive anyways. Children are $10 and adults are $1!

As you walk into the shoe less room:

  1. There is a jumpy house. The kids LOVED this! They could probably spend all day in a jumpy house. I would only suggest you pay attention at this section because no one is monitoring the jumpy house. At one point, I saw too many children in the house at once. We just suggested the kids move onto another activity, so they wouldn't get hurt.
  2. A "Doctor's Clinic" is next. Here, the kids got to play with baby dolls and bring them to the doctors. They had a few Doctor coats for them to wear while they pretended to be the doctor. This was a cute pretend station.
  3. Next was a wooden ship. Here, the kids got to climb on and in the ship and pretend to steer the ship. On the wall was "windows", that when opened gave facts about different sea creatures.
  4. Next was a little sitting area with large blocks for kids to play with..
  5. Connected to the sitting/block area was the climbing structure. This was the kids' favorite section! My 2.5 year old nephew was the perfect size for it this year, my sister in law said last year he needed help climbing through it. This has climbing, tunnels and a slide. All 4 kids enjoyed this!
  6. In the middle of the room is a pretend grocery store. Here, they have bins of plastic or wood food that they can "buy" from whoever is pretending to be the cashier.
  7. The last section is the arts corner. This was the only section I thought really needed some work. They had a big roll of brown paper for the kids to paint or draw on, smocks, a wall of art supplies. You do have to pay for paint though, which was only 50 cents for a plate of paint.
They also have a small snack bar that sells food and drinks. They had an okay selection of snacks (oreos, gold fish, cheez it, etc) plus chicken fingers, pizza etc. They also had cans of soda, juice boxes, water, etc for drinks. They have a section for the kids to sit and eat their food or drink their drinks as well.

All in all, I really enjoyed the place! I think we will definitely go back. I do think the older girls, 8 and 7.5 years old, are probably aging out of this place, and would highly recommend it for 6 and under, but they did have fun!

The only real suggestions I have before you go there
  1. Pay close attention to your kid(s), especially if they are fast and you are alone with more than one child. The people by the door don't stop children from leaving, even if the adult is not near. My experience: my 7.5 year old niece, when it was time to go, was out the door before I was even half way across the room. I'm not sure if the lady would have stopped her if she was younger though.
  2. If you have them, have the kids wear the socks with the grippers on the bottom. The place is a little slippery, especially with the kids running.
  3. Dress lightly. The room was pretty warm inside yesterday. And a few of my friends who have gone different days, said the same.

Online Selling?

Are you selling your children's stuff online? Facebook groups, craigslist, even yard sales are a lot more work for less money! Did you know, you could easily bring your child's clothes, toys and equipment to us and get money right then and there?

I have spoken with friends who sell online or at yard sales, and I have also sold at both. Here are a few things that is better when selling to The Children's Orchard!

  1. Less time spent dealing with selling!  Between taking photos, posting to the numerous sites you use and waiting for people to respond or show up, selling things can take hours or days! If you brought the items to us, you could save yourself some time. We look at it when you bring it in, and let you know right then and there if we can buy it!
  2. Meeting a stranger somewhere or having them come to your house can be dangerous! Selling to us is safe and convenient. We are located in a plaza with many people around plus we have only a few buyers, so you work with the same people over and over again
When you buy online:
  1. You never know if the item has been recalled, unless you constantly check the list of recalled items. The Children's Orchard does that for you! We NEVER have recalled items in our store!
  2. You can't return something if your child doesn't like it or it doesn't fit! Here, at the Children's Orchard, we allow you to return things! We know it's hard to shop with and for children. Kids are picky and they grow fast!
  3. We go back to meeting a stranger somewhere. You never know who is placing the item online! We live in a dangerous time, why risk it?
Why waste your short time with buying and selling online? Come into our store and do both at the same time!

Support small and local businesses before they all close up!